22 Nov 2023

" An excellent training event. The leaders went home with renewed confidence in leading and managing their team members, better understanding of the company’s SOPs, employment law and most importantly, the setting of KPIs and consequential performance appraisal of staff. We believe they will continue to practice the skills and knowledge they have learned from the training and apply it du...

26 Aug 2022

August 2022, it was great to be back in the classroom for Malaysian Hotel Associations (MAHTEC) to train various General Managers, Departmental Managers & HR's on the new amendments to the Industrial Relations Act 1967 & the Employment Act 1955. The said amendments will have serious repercussions on Companies who fail to adhere to the amendments and make the necessary changes...

19 Aug 2022

Termination of the Contract of Employment has to be the biggest challenge for any HR Practitioner. This is a 2 day comprehensive program for HR's on the strategies for all the different aspects of termination from Retirement, Resignation, Retrenchment & Dismissal. A one on one session cum coaching on the challenges faced by HR's on this very sensitive area of employment law. Goin...

01 Oct 2019

Big changes coming in Employment Law. The amendments to the Industrial Relations Act will have far reaching consequences on companies. An employee will get his day in court as the process is will now take 1/2 the time for it to be referred to the Industrial Court. The major changes affecting Companies are:- 1. The HR Minister discretion to refer cases to the Industrial Court is abolish...