26 Aug 2022

August 2022, it was great to be back in the classroom for Malaysian Hotel Associations (MAHTEC) to train various General Managers, Departmental Managers & HR's on the new amendments to the Industrial Relations Act 1967 & the Employment Act 1955. The said amendments will have serious repercussions on Companies who fail to adhere to the amendments and make the necessary changes...

01 Jan 2021

2019 and 2020 was fraught with challenges,  In April 2019, a crash on the bicycle left me unconscious for 15 minutes which today has left me with residual of head injuries among which was a post-concussion syndrome. In February 2020, I developed Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) which has caught in the ‘nick of time’ as the blood clots had travelled up to lungs resulting in Pulmonary Em...

18 Jun 2024

We were honoured to be invited by the Perak State Economic Development Corporation to brief it members and industry players on HR documentary compliance dealing with the current trends and nuances in employment laws. The objective is to address all issues on seperation from Retirement, Retrenchment, Medically Boarding-Out to Dismissal for MIsconducts all requiring it own documentary ...

22 Nov 2023

" An excellent training event. The leaders went home with renewed confidence in leading and managing their team members, better understanding of the company’s SOPs, employment law and most importantly, the setting of KPIs and consequential performance appraisal of staff. We believe they will continue to practice the skills and knowledge they have learned from the training and apply it du...

20 Jul 2023

On 15th July 2023, 20 cyclist together with 6 volunteers gathered in Kuching Sarawak to ride the 1st edition of the Sepeda Amal BorneoThe objective of this year’s ride was to raise the awareness for cervical cancer and its early detection and elimination in woman. The monies raised from this ride would go toward the ROSE Foundation, which is spearheading this project for all Malaysian wo...